What Is An Adjustment?

Video: Why Do ChiroPractic adjustments help so much?


How Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Work?

Chiropractic Adjustments help reset our body and our nervous system.  Our nervous system is the control center for every other system in our body.  It monitors and controls EVERYTHING that we do: digest food, take a breath, heartbeat, seeing, tasting, processing pain, simple movements like typing, complicated movements like lifting weights or playing a sport and everything in between.  Our nervous system is also responsible for processing every single thing that we see, feel, touch, taste, hear, or smell.  Because our nervous system does so much, at times, it can become overworked or overwhelmed, especially in our modern world.  When our nervous system becomes overwhelmed it will start to tell us.  We may experience things like headaches, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, restlessness etc. just to name a few.  This can be especially true when our nervous system is processing a lot of noxious or “negative” stimulus, like stress. 

Why Do I feel Good after getting Adjusted?

Chiropractic adjustments are unique in their ability to take an area overwhelmed with noxious stimuli and create a tremendous amount of what is called mechanoreception or “positive” stimuli for your nervous system.  Have you ever played the card game UNO?  Think of the adjustment as the Reverse card.  When your nervous system is processing negative stimuli and getting overwhelmed, a chiropractic adjustment reverses the stimuli into the nervous system from negative to positive.  This is why people feel so good after getting a quality chiropractic adjustment.  It is also why chiropractic is such a core piece to successfully hitting your goals.  We are breaking the cycle of the symptoms and creating opportunities for your nervous system to feel good.  Done regularly and correctly, this will vastly improve your chances of hitting your goals, hitting them quickly, and creating a new normal of feeling good.

What is a Trigger Point Therapy?

This is included in every in-person session.  Trigger points are the epicenter of tension and dysfunction in our muscles.  Our muscles and our nervous system are in constant communication.  It is how we move: walk, run, drive, clean, play sports, etc.  This communication even dictates how we stand still i.e.: posture.  When we talk about the word “coordination,” It really is the communication between our muscles and our nervous system responding to the environment around us.  Too many overactive trigger points can add to the overload of noxious or “negative” stimuli to the nervous system.  Trigger points are also where our body stores waste and toxins in our muscles, like lactic acid, for example.  Before even doing any adjustments to the spine, just by releasing trigger points we are beginning to clear toxins from the body.  Trigger point release will decrease tension and pain and   improve coordination, recovery, and overall muscle health, as well as ease the burden on the nervous system.